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Zoho Invoice Reviews

Zoho Invoice Reviews

By Daniel C. Daniel C. Verified by Sander D. Sander D. Last updated: February 18, 2025User reviews (1)
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Keeping track of receipts and invoices is always a royal pain whether you work for a major multinational corporation or for yourself in a home office setting. Having a dedicated invoice software solution to manage your billing in this day and age is a must. Zoho Invoice is a flexible and high-powered office program that’s more than capable of keeping the bills straight.

Main features of Zoho Invoice

Zoho Invoice allows users to create professional invoices for clients and track payments at the same time all from one simple and intuitive interface. Customers can either use Zoho’s own templates to craft invoices or they can create custom forms using their online invoice software. Zoho Invoice also features zPost integration for sending snail mail invoices, payment management with PayPal and Google Checkout, an iPhone app for mobile billing and more.

Who is this online invoicing software for?

For anyone who needs competent expense billing software, Zoho Invoice is the perfect solution to the problem. Thanks to their various levels of service and pricing, Zoho is used by solo freelancers, corporate employees and everybody in between. The platform is designed from the ground up to be scalable, so it can handle anything you throw at it.

Plans and pricing

With three different pricing plans from Free to Professional, Zoho has something for everyone:

  • The Free account features unlimited invoices for up to 5 separate customers.
  • The Standard plan is a mere $15 per month and allows up to 3 users to deliver unlimited invoices to as many as 500 customers.
  • Zoho’s Professional package is $30 per month but boasts support for unlimited customers, user accounts, invoices and projects.

Is Zoho Invoice easy to use?

Whether you’re configuring a payment gateway, sending off a snail mail bill or tweaking a template to design a custom invoice form, Zoho Invoice couldn’t be easier to use. Even users who’ve never worked with an invoice management program before have been quite vocal about how easy it is to get started with Zoho. Despite its power and flexibility, Zoho has a fairly shallow learning curve as far as invoice software is concerned.

Customer service

Aside from its stellar performance and reasonable pricing scheme, Zoho Invoice is best known for its comprehensive customer service and technical support. Their online help guides, FAQs and API documentation are second to none. Furthermore, their live technical assistance staff can be reached toll-free at any hour during the business week.

Final word

When it comes to invoicing software, you’ve got a lot of options. Zoho Invoice makes the decision fairly simple by delivering what is arguably the best invoice management suite on the market. It’s not often that one finds a program that’s a true “no-brainer”, but Zoho appears to be the real deal. For all of your invoice management needs, Zoho is your best bet.

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    Earl Earl
    Zoho is built for more than just invoicing, yet its invoicing aspect is nothing short of excellent. Perhaps one thing that separates it from most invoicing apps is customer service. I review a few invoicing apps as well, and at the time that I was going to review Zoho, I couldn't sign up. I contacted their support guys, and they quickly resolved my problem. One thing I noticed about Zoho, though: it seems to work better for businesses as opposed to freelancers. That isn't to say that freelancers can't use it, because it's still awesome. Just get by the initial learning curve, and you're good to go.
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